大卫•赫尔南德斯•塞维拉诺(David Hernández Sevillano)在塞戈维亚出生并长大。他是一个诗人和儿童书籍作家、故事收藏家和文字杂技演员。很长一段时间以来,当他在家的沙发上静静休息时,诗句和故事就出现在他的笔下。
阿努斯卡•阿勒普茨(Anuska Allepuz)在西班牙长大,在萨拉曼卡大学学习美术专业。她一直喜欢画画和写故事,而她的工作就是讲故事。2016年,她以优异成绩毕业于剑桥艺术学院儿童图书插画硕士学位。她的绘本处女作由Walker出版社出版。她喜欢在工作中探索纹理的不同,并使用混合媒体技术,包括印刷、橡皮章和形状模板等。无论是彩色还是黑白插画,她都很喜欢且擅长。她曾提名凯特格林纳威奖,多次入围AOI奖,获得过英国、巴西、法国等多项国际大奖,且多次参展博洛尼亚童书展。
2019 ‘That fruit is mine!’ Prix des incorruptibles in France. (Children who award this price.)
Nominated for the 2019 Kate Greenaway Medal. ‘That Fruit is Mine!’ Published by Walker books.
2018 Received the price for first talent by Cultura Jeunesse 2018 'THAT FRUIT IS MINE!' Published by Walker books.
2017 FNLIJ (Brasil) Highly commended 'O FARAO E O HOMEM DOS FIGOS' published by SM Brasil.
2014 Highly commended in the Macmillan (UK) Prize for Children's Illustration.
2014 Shortlisted for the AOI Awards.
2014 Selected for the collateral section of Illustrators Exhibition entitled 'Spotlight on reading' in the Bologna Children's Book fair.
2013 Finalist in the Plum Pudding competition. Ilustratour 2013.
2012 Shortlisted for the AOI Awards. Illustration selected for the exhibition, the annual and for the marketing campaign of Images 36 Exhibition.
2012 FNLIJ (Brasil) Highly commended 'O QUE A TERRA ESTA FALANDO' Edelbra Editora (Brasil)
2009 Selected in the Children's Book fair Bologna for the exhibition and annual.