
  • 《疯狂的虚拟货币》
  • NUMBER GO UP: Inside Crypto's Wild Rise and Staggering Fall
  • 图书类型:金融投资      浏览次数:864
  • 作者:Zeke Faux
  • 出 版 社:Crown
    代理公司:ANA/Lauren Li
    页    数:304页
  • 联系人:Rights
《疯狂的虚拟货币》是一部令人痛心却又极具娱乐性的内部纪实,讲述了FTX创始人山姆·班克曼-弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried)和一众书呆子和骗子如何说服全世界将数万亿美元的真金白银用于购买无用的虚拟币。
齐克·福克斯敏锐觉察到这一狂热,并开始试图揭开这台新型金融机器背后的巫师的面纱。他首先将目光投向Tether。这一数字货币是由1992年迪士尼电影《巨鸭奇兵》(The Mighty Ducks)中的一位前儿童演员设想出来的。Tether已然是加密货币事实上的银行,有690亿美元涌入其中,据说每个Tether都有一美元的支持。但钱到底在哪里呢? 2022年,加密货币泡沫破裂,Tether的最大客户开始逐一倒闭,在11月达到高潮。就此,曾辉煌一时的FTX宣告其失败。而其创始人山姆·班克曼-弗里德,一位年仅29岁、看似不起眼的青年男子,曾被《财富》杂志认为是“下一个沃伦·巴菲特”。



“This book is ludicrously compelling. I, quite literally, couldn’t put it down—and I don’t even care about crypto. Zeke Faux writes about this world with such clarity, humor, and perspective that the portrait captures something even larger: a moment in time that we can’t afford not to understand.”
—Evan Osnos, National Book Award-winning author of The Age of Ambition

“This book is riveting, scary, funny, unbelievable, depressing, insane, and many other adjectives, but I’ll stop here and just say: If you want a front-row seat to one of the greatest business stories of all time, you should read Number Go Up now. It’s worth your time and Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, etc.”
—A.J. Jacobs, bestselling author of The Puzzler

“Before the crash, Zeke Faux set out to chronicle the rise and fall of crypto. It’s lucky for us that he did, because his book, Number Go Up, is an almost too-good-to-be-true saga that would be impossible to reconstruct unless you were there as it was happening. It’s essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the mass delusion that was crypto—and anyone who wants to understand how we can sucker ourselves.”
—Bethany McClean, bestselling co-author of The Smartest Guys in the Room

“Number Go Up is both a serious financial investigation and an incredibly entertaining romp through crypto’s wildest days with deep access to all the people responsible and their cadre of true believers. Over and over in the book, Zeke Faux gets the classic confession from the villain explaining how he did the crime—but in Faux’s case, it’s while the crime is ongoing, at over-the-top parties that are celebrating the scams, attended by your favorite celebrities, where Faux seems to be the only one asking uncomfortable questions. This is a definitive, incisive, and revealing tale of crypto’s great promise and epic crash.”
—Sarah Frier, Financial Times/McKinsey Award-winning author of No Filter

“Zeke Faux’s Number Go Up does what should be impossible—it combines meticulous reporting with irresistible storytelling. The book reveals was arguably the most brazen financial con of the twenty-first century and does so without getting mired in abstraction or hype. It is the definitive book about crypto and the only one you'll want to read.”
—Max Chafkin, author of The Contrarian 

“Number Go Up is a dizzying safari of the surreal, hilarious, can’t-make-it-up insanity of the crypto boom. Racing across the globe from the Bahamas to Italy to Cambodia, Zeke Faux takes readers behind the velvet rope and onto the mega yachts and multimillion-dollar tropical compounds of the billionaire crypto schemers, hustlers, and evangelists who may all be headed to prison—but are having a riotously good time turning the financial world upside down.”
—Joshua Green, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Devil’s Bargain

“A riveting, horrifying, but also endlessly entertaining investigation into the bad parts of crypto (which are most of them). This book is what happens when the funniest financial journalist in America takes on the funniest story in modern finance, and the results are as darkly hilarious as you could hope for.”
—Matt Levine, columnist, Money Stuff

“The only book about crypto you need to read. Faux has gone deeper than anyone inside a movement that aspires to replace traditional finance, but seems more likely to blow up and take the world down with it. Get ready to laugh, then cry, then scratch your head at the sheer insanity of billions of dollars being magicked out of thin air by stoned tech bros. By the end of the book, when Faux brings readers to a compound of crypto scammers working in slavery-like conditions in Cambodia, all your expectations will have shattered. Number Go Up is an instant classic: Liar’s Poker for the era of digital monkey tokens, and written with a sensibility that meets our absurd moment in time.”
—Kit Chellel, co-author of Dead in the Water

“Number Go Up is funny, enraging, racy, and profound. We were waiting for the first great crypto book and Zeke Faux has written it.”
—Oliver Bullough, author of Moneyland