
  • 《如何打造时尚偶像:全球唯一形象设计师的自信笔记》
  • HOW TO BUILD A FASHION ICON: Notes on Confidence from the World’s Only Image Architect
  • 图书类型:生活时尚      浏览次数:663
  • 作者:Law Roach
  • 出 版 社:Abrams Image
    页    数:176页
  • 联系人:Rights
揭秘好莱坞顶级形象设计师兼造型师劳·罗奇(Law Roach)的开创性风格与自信宣言。

从赞达亚·科尔曼(Zendaya Coleman)在纽约大都会艺术博物馆慈善舞会(Met Gala)上的惊艳亮相,到安雅·泰勒-乔伊(Anya Taylor-Joy)在金球奖的优雅风采,从刘易斯·汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton)的标志性街头时尚,到席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)的复古风格,劳·罗奇的创意打造了一个又一个引爆网络的热门造型。

没有人比劳更了解如何将一套服装打造成时尚历史的经典瞬间。在短短的十余年里,他从外行逐渐成长为时尚界最炙手可热的人物,连续两年荣获《好莱坞报道》(The Hollywood Reporter)颁发的“年度最佳造型师”(Stylist of the Year)大奖。现在,他首次分享了自己的秘诀。



 时尚界大咖:劳·罗奇是当今时尚界最大牌的人物。他以为一线明星设计造型而闻名,包括为赞达亚、席琳·迪翁、安雅·泰勒-乔伊等人打造标志性造型。

 网络红人、媒体宠儿: 他在社交媒体上拥有大量粉丝,Instagram上有130多万粉丝,Tiktok上有14万粉丝,Twitter上有7.4万粉丝。凭借他在社交媒体上的影响力、与大明星的私人交情(书中将收录一位明星客户撰写的序言)、众多品牌合作关系以及印刷和网络媒体的广泛报道,本书将有大量机会在各大平台上进行宣传推广。

 热门话题:《如何打造时尚偶像》一书将追随比利·波特(Billy Porter)、伊莱恩-韦尔特罗斯(Elaine Welteroth)和安德烈•里昂•泰利(André Leon Talley)等黑人创意人士的脚步,成为时尚娱乐界畅销书又一力作。


Law Roach continues to mention How to Build a Fashion Icon in interviews.

Please see here: VOGUE UK, June issue (192K circulation, vogue.co.uk 709K circulation)

Law Roach has been doing some recent press timed to Zendaya’s Red Carpet moments for her new film and her co-chairing the Met Gala

The book is mentioned in all coverage:

New York Times Styles (circ: 379,380; 146,090,372 UVM)

The Run-Through with Vogue

Law will be the co-host with Julia Fox of a new design TV show called OMG Fashun, premiering on E! on May 6

Watch the trailer here

Excerpts in:

WSJ. Magazine (circ: 903,808; 40,214,307 UVM)

Teen Vogue (4,734,579 UVM)

Interviews in:

Elle (23,835,376 UVM)

Time (16,930,000 UVM)

Vanity Fair (15,320,205 UVM)

Incredible interview with Law Roach about How to Build a Fashion Icon on CBS Mornings! Watch here

Check out this amazing reel where Zendaya preorders her copies of HOW TO BUILD A FASHION ICON! The post has nearly 700K views and nearly 27K engagements in 24 hours! 

Law’s savvy and entertaining social content has been in full force promoting preorders. A tireless promoter, there is so much more to come on social! 

See below for details on our major marketing campaign with nearly 3.2MM+ impressions!

· Cross Promotion with Law Roach Instagram Platform (1.6MM followers)

· Newsletter Advertising Campaign (October 1 October 7; 833K+ Impressions):  Targeting major fashion, lifestyle, and news publications including Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Bustle, Essence, People, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Los Angeles Times, and similar publications. 

· On-Sale Instagram Advertising (October 1 October 21; 800K+ Impressions): Targeting those interested in fashion, design, and pop culture, along with mimicking advertising and media hits to maximize impressions. 

· Curated Finished Copy Mailing to a select list of celebrities and fashion icons including Celine Dion (8.5MM followers)Kim Kardashian (360MM followers)Julia Fox (1.7MM followers)Keke Palmer (14MM followers)StyleNotCom (403K followers), Nara Smith (4.2MM followers), and more.  

On-Sale consumer eBlasts sent to our pop culture, non-fiction, and fashion interest based groups (17K subscribers)

Law Roach’s New Yorker (circ: 1,282,027; 8085767 UVM) profile is now live and on stands

The book is prominently featured throughout

Read here
