
  • 《善意是个圆》
  • 图书类型:心灵励志      浏览次数:650
  • 作者:OrlyWahba
  • 出 版 社:St. Martin
    代理公司:ANA/Charlotte Cheng
    页    数:384页
  • 联系人:Rights

奥莉•瓦巴(Orly Wahba)肩负着倡导善意的使命。她通过视频、演讲、舞蹈和马拉松长跑传播这种正面能量,现在则是通过这部作品。

《善意是个圆》(Kindness Boomerang)囊括了365种日常行为伴随着鼓舞人心的名言及个人的传递着善意力量的故事,本书将以切实的措施改变读者们的人生观,为读者及其周边的人们带来积极的感染力。瓦巴将带领你体会人与人之间,人与自我之间,人与自然之间甚至存在于更多形式中的善意。这部作品满足了那些期望能过得更充实的人们的心愿。


作者在全世界传播善意的举动取得了很大的成功。除去关于视频的部分,在作者的非盈利网站Life Vest Inside上还有其他传播善意的信息。

在过去几年里她一个组织全球范围内的‘世界善意日’的活动,引起了45个国家的人的参与。她的行动的已经被The Today Show, NBC, CBS, 福布斯等多家媒体大幅报道。你可以从她的网站看到更多消息,http://www.lifevestinside.com/about-us/




“We are powerful beyond measure when we are kind—when, through simple kind acts extended to others we help a fellow human feel better and they in turn pay it forward. No one knows this better than kindness guru Orly Wahba. Her inspiring daily guide Kindness Boomerang is the tool we all need to tap into our goodness, unlock our kindness, and unleash that kind self upon a suffering world.” —Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of the New York Times bestseller How to Raise an Adult 

Kindness Boomerang is filled with fun tips and ideas for finding happiness in everyday activities.” —Tony Hsieh, author of the New York Times bestseller Delivering Happiness and CEO of Zappos.com, Inc.

Kindness Boomerang is a little book that will make a big change, a little bite-sized bible of reminders for those who want to stay on the path of compassion.” —Amanda Palmer, author of the New York Times bestseller The Art of Asking

“Orly Wahba’s book Kindness Boomerang is more than good philosophy, it is a box of spiritual tools—it is full of heart and decent thoughts, good will, and makes available a ready course of action for any given day. This is the work of a beautiful and evolved human being. When I grow up, I hope to be more like Orly Wahba. Get this book! Change the world a little bit at a time, and you yourself can change.” —Peter Scolari

“Orly Wahba has composed a modern day bible. These lessons of kindness are desperately needed by a world that has lost its way.” —David Horgan, author of When Your Parent Moves In

“Orly Wahba has produced a treasure trove of kindness. This little book can help change the world for the better, one person at a time. It’s wonderful.” —Myron Kandel, CNN Founding Financial Editor


Kindness Boomerang fills a gap in the literature, giving youth and adults the gift of renewed kindness every day. Orly Wahba shares her gift of living kindness with authenticity that helps all readers see how easy it is to truly make the world a better place. You can read it day by day, or you can imagine sitting with a friend and a cup of tea while reading and growing inspired; either way, you'll find kindness really is like a boomerang. It always comes back to you and that is beautiful.” —Dr. Lydia Criss Mays

“Orly has written the definitive guide to life. Kindness is what it’s ALL about.” —Dan Lythcott-Haims

“The world’s greatest untapped resource? The kindness in each of us. And it’s free! Imagine if we all practiced Orly’s 365 daily acts of kindness. Everything would change.” —Nancy Lublin, founder of Crisis Text Line

“If you’re looking for inspiration, motivation, or action, this book will ‘kindly’ get it done.  Go ahead and open to today’s date. It will make your day, and maybe even change your life.  You will quickly realize, there’s no one quite like Orly.” —Race Taylor, 95.5 WPLJ Radio NY host
