

We are very happy to announce Dr. Brene Brown’s RISING STRONG will debut at #1 on the September 13th New York Times Bestseller List (Advice, How-To And Miscellaneous).

Brene’s THE GIFTS OF IMPERFECTION will be #6 and DARING GREATLY will be #10 on that same list.  

And RISING STRONG is currently listed at #10 overall in Books on Amazon

An Amazon Best Book of August 2015: “Rising Strong isn’t some feel-good-get-over-it regimen... Brown sets the table for us to get curious about life’s sticky moments and invites us to serve ourselves a plate of what she’s learned in over a decade of research.”

"A straightforward approach to revamping one's life from an expert on vulnerability."—Kirkus

"Will draw readers in and have them considering what steps they would dare to take if shame and fear were not present."—Publishers Weekly

Fast Company Feature: Brene Brown Wants You to Wallow in Your Failure

Translation sales for RISING STRONG:

Brazil (Sextante)

China (Citic)

France (Guy Tredaniel)

Holland (Bruna)

Israel (Kinneret)

Korea (Wisdom House)

Norway (Cappelen Damm)

Poland (MT Biznes)

Portugal (offers)

Romania (offers)

Russia (Atticus)

Slovakia (Citadella)

Spain & Latin America (Urano)

Sweden (Libris)

Taiwan (Marco Polo Press)

Thailand (Nation)

Turkey (offer)