莫欣·哈米德(Mohsin Hamid)著有多部小说,其中包括《迷烟中的飞蛾》(Moth Smoke)、入围英国布克奖(Man Booker Prize),且在美国乃至海外都很畅销的《拉合尔茶馆的陌生人》(The Reluctant Fundamentalist)、《如何在亚洲崛起之际暴富》(How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia)、《逃离西方》(Exit West)及一部散文集《不满与文明》(Discontent and Its Civilizations)。
其作品先后被译成四十种语言,荣登各大畅销榜单,部分作品曾被搬上荧幕。哈米德为《时代》(Time)、《纽约时报》(The New York Times)、《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)等杂志写稿。
From Tracy Fisher in WME, ---2022 Frankfurt Book Fair updated:
Following the Frankfurt Book Fair, I wanted to highlight our longtime client, Mohsin Hamid. As you may have seen, Mohsin gave the incredible keynote address at this year’s fair, where he spoke about the importance of writing in a time of great division:
“As our world turns away from cooperation, novels become all the more important. In a world that seems to be about to enter a phase of darkness, novels are a pile of embers that we hold in our hands, the embers of possibility. It reminds us that together we can renew our world.”
During Frankfurt, we closed Spanish and Hungarian deals for Mohsin’s most recent, New York Times bestselling novel, THE LAST WHITE MAN.
As you continue to submit his latest title, please also keep in mind Mohsin’s impressive backlist and history. He is the author of four other novels (MOTH SMOKE, THE RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST, HOW TO GET FILTHY RICH IN RISING ASIA, and EXIT WEST) and an essay collection (DISCONTENT AND ITS CIVILIZATIONS). Mohsin is a two-time Man Booker finalist and internationally bestselling novelist, published into forty languages.