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  • 劳拉•伯曼•福冈
  • Laura Berman Fortgang
  • 劳拉•伯曼•福冈(Laura Berman Fortgang)是全国知名的演讲者、生活教练和职业战略家,帮助个人、小型企业和公司打造新的方向和应对变化。劳拉在赫芬顿邮报博客上十分活页,也经常出现在奥普拉、各种早间节目、CNN、MSNBC和许多印刷出版物上。她住在新泽西州的蒙特克莱尔。
  • 《过上最好的生活》
  • Living Your Best Life
  • 图书类型:心灵励志
  • 者:Laura Berman Fortgang
  • 出 版 社:Jeremy F. Tarcher / Putnam 
    代理公司:Joelle/ANA/Lauren Li
    页    数:203页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:574          视频资料



在《过上最好的生活》一书中,她提供了十种屡试不爽的策略,帮助我们获取自己的内在知识,以实现她所说的 "最好的生活"--一种等待我们所有人的生活,在这种生活中,收获更容易,因为我们已经学会尊重我们的真实愿望,并与我们的个人才能一起工作,而不是在传统的成就模式中耗尽我们的精力。她的技巧侧重于询问我们自己真正想要什么,而不是狂热地试图 "拥有一切"。我们学会问一些问题,使我...


"Laura Berman Fortgang will help you reach the success and fulfillment you are destined for."
--Ken Blanchard

"Beware-this thought-provoking book will put you on a one-way path to a more creative and fulfilling life."
--Kyle MacLachlan

"Fortgang generously offers glorious, refreshing guidance to help us each find our unique path in life."
--Jennifer Louden, author of The Woman's Comfort Book

"Fortgang's Wisdom Access Questions have the makings of brilliance-simple, easy to use, hugely effective, and humblingly obvious."
--Judy George, founder and CEO, Domain

"Laura helps you organize information... so you can move your life forward in positive ways. I can't recommend this enough!"
--Julia Sweeney

"This is it--a turbocharged, high-energy, stripped-to-the-core distillation of key insights and practices to truly move you forward. After readiong Laura's loving and potent guidance, you can't help creating the life you yearn for."
--Jennifer Louden, author of Comfort Secrets for Busy Women

"If this book delivers just ten percent of the power of Laura's coaching, it will be worth thousands of times the price."
--Mark Bryan, co-author of THE ARTIST'S WAY AT WORK

"We all need to plug into an energy source for our lives and once you plug into Laura Berman Fortgang and Now What? you will be electrified and raring to go. Listen to what she has to say and you will move your life to new heights."
--Iyanla Vanzant

"Thinking of making a big change in how you make a living--or how you live your life? Having trouble getting started? This wise, honest and practical book can help you figure out what may be holding you back, and where to go from here. I'm recommending it to everyone I know. Great stuff!"
--Anne Fisher, FORTUNE


