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  • 西蒙·斯托尔佐夫
  • Simone Stolzoff
  • 西蒙·斯托尔佐夫(Simone Stolzoff)是来自旧金山的记者和设计师。他曾是大西洋媒体(Atlantic Media)的编剧,现在是全球设计和创新公司IDEO的设计负责人,他为谷歌、微软和脸书等公司设计有关如何最好地教育、吸引和留住员工的项目。他有关硅谷和劳动者的特稿曾在包括《大西洋》(The Atlantic)、《连线》(Wired)、《旧金山纪事报》(The San Francisco...
  • 《足够好的工作:从工作中重拾生活》
  • THE GOOD ENOUGH JOB: Reclaiming Your Life from Your Work
  • 图书类型:职场励志
  • 者:Simone Stolzoff
  • 出 版 社:Peguin/Portfolio
    代理公司:ANA/Lauren Li
    页    数:272页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:1003          视频资料



当设计师兼记者西蒙·斯托尔佐夫(Simone Stolzoff)在一份“梦寐以求的工作”和一份足够有趣、福利丰厚、薪资更高的“好工作”之间做出选择时,他发现做出选择本应该很容易,但事实上却令人痛苦。他意识到,关键不在于他的幸福,而是他的自我认同:“你是谁,你有什么价值?”

《足够好的工作》讲述了斯托尔佐夫理解一种特殊病态的过程,这种病态是由“高效技巧”(productivity hacks)和忙碌,即工作主义定义的。通过对米其林星级厨师、华尔街银行家...


"His straight-shooting style makes for a blistering takedown of American corporate culture. Workaholics would do well to check this out."— Publishers Weekly

“Simone Stolzoff provides an important corrective to the modern impulse to either villainize or lionize our jobs, arguing that it’s okay for our work to be just one element among many that contribute to a life well-lived.” — Cal Newport, New York Times bestselling author of Digital Minimalism and Deep Work

“A journalist makes a timely, compelling case for designing work around our lives instead of squeezing our lives into the space around work. It’s a wakeup call for people who feel overworked and leaders who have lost sight of their humanity.”— Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLife
“Superb. A fascinating and deeply reported challenge to the idea that our work should—or ever could—be the only center of meaning, self-worth, or community in our lives. The real-life stories fill the reader with the liberating sense that we absolutely could put work back in its place—and that the result would be both richer lives and more effective work.”— Oliver Burkeman, New York Times bestselling author of Four Thousand Weeks

“The Good Enough Job is a super-helpful guide for anyone looking to renegotiate their relationship with work and to better fit their career goals into a happier, more fulfilling life.” — Laurie Santos, Chandrika and Ranjan Tandon Professor of Psychology at Yale University and host of The Happiness Lab podcast



