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  • 弗兰克·H·麦考特,迈克尔•J·凯西
  • Frank H. McCourt, Jr. with Michael Casey
  • 弗兰克·H·麦考特(Frank H. McCourt)是McCourt Global的执行主席,这是一家私营家族企业,业务涉及房地产、体育、技术、媒体和资本投资行业。他是自由计划(Project Liberty)的创始人和执行主席,该计划旨在为更美好的世界构建更美好的网络。该项目包括开发一个开放的互联网协议(去中心化社交网络协议),将数据权利从平台转移给人们,并与乔治城大学、斯坦福大学和巴黎政治学...
  • 《我们最大的战斗:在数字时代重获自由、人性与尊严》
  • OUR BIGGEST FIGHT: Reclaiming Liberty, Humanity, and Dignity in the Digital Age
  • 图书类型:大众社科
  • 者:Frank H. McCourt, Jr. with Michael Casey
  • 出 版 社:Crown
    页    数:224页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:618          视频资料


我们所知道的互联网已经出了问题,它在贬低民主和精神健康。许多人得出结论,需要一场全面的、系统性的变革,其中包括公民企业家、非营利组织“自由计划”(Project Liberty)的创始人弗兰克·H·麦考特(Frank H. McCourt),该组织致力于为数字世界创造一种新的公民架构。在《我们最大的战斗》一书中,他提出了一些解决方案,告诉我们如何从企业算法手中夺回对生活的控制权,并创造一个更好的互联网。受托马斯·潘恩(Thomas Paine)的《常识》(Common Sense)等历史行动呼吁的启发,麦考特认为,我们现在必须采取行动,将自由民主社会的核心价值观嵌入未来的互联网。如果能做好,我... 展开


“In the spirit of Thomas Paine’s Revolution-era COMMON SENSE, this manifesto challenges us to create new digital architectures to safeguard democracy. Frank McCourt and Michael Casey’s OUR BIGGEST FIGHT is an important book as we enter the era when artificial intelligence meets social media.”
—Walter Isaacson

“Undeniably important . . . McCourt offers much-needed insight into a system that, as central as it has become to human life, poses threats to our freedom and well-being. An illuminating, provocative, and disturbing analysis of our current digital age.”
—Kirkus Reviews

“No one has done as much as Frank McCourt to invest in the development of a more humane and plural digital world. Finally, we have his full vision for rewriting the constitution of the internet.”
—Glen Weyl, economist and author

“As a parent who lost a young child to the dangers of social media, I firmly believe that the internet is fundamentally broken and needs a reboot. McCourt and Casey bring a new and hopeful perspective with their ideas for creating a better web. Our Biggest Fight is a stimulating and inspiring read about how we can achieve meaningful change—and build technology that’s worthy of our children.”
—Joann Bogard, safe tech advocate


