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  • 汤米•斯波尔丁
  • Tommy Spaulding
  • 汤米•斯波尔丁( Tommy Spaulding )成立了领导的挑战组织(科罗拉多最大的公民领导能力高级培训项目),在全世界最大的非盈利性组织“人人至上”担任了三年首席执行官。他也是斯波尔丁公司的创始人和董事长。斯波尔丁公司位于丹佛,从事领导能力培训咨询业务。


  • 《影响力的天赋:伟大的领导者如何在组织、他人和自己身上创造改变生活的持久影响力》
  • THE GIFT OF INFLUENCE: How Great Leaders Create Life-Changing and Lasting Impact—in Organizations, Others, and Themselves
  • 图书类型:心灵励志
  • 者:Tommy Spaulding
  • 出 版 社:Crown
    代理公司:ANA/Lauren Li
    页    数:224页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:858          视频资料


研究人员认为,平均每个人在其一生中会影响多达8万人--也就是每天2.8人--无论是积极的还是消极的。如果我们注意到这个事实,我们会做什么不同的事情? 我们会以不同的方式领导吗?我们与家人、朋友和同事的互动是否会有所不同? 我们会不会花更多的时间更直接地关注我们面前的人,而少关注社交媒体和手机?


斯伯丁在一本同样令人信服和深入人心的实用指南中论述了这个关于影响的新鲜话题。 他探讨了我们如何能够更用心、更有效地发挥我们每个人对他人的影响力--在我们的职业生涯中,在我们的日常交往中,以及在我们一生...



Publishers Weekly Review

Spaulding (It’s Not Just Who You Know), founder and president of a leadership development training organization, urges readers to act as if “every person you’d ever influenced would be waiting for you in a stadium at the end of your life” in this earnest look at how to affect others positively. He defines influence as “having a lasting effect on the character or behavior of another person,” and offers up four profiles to help readers see it in action: there’s an eighth-grade math teacher who taught her students to appreciate each other, a CEO who opened a brewery staffed by active gang members, a nine-year-old who embraced a bullied kid on his hockey team, and a nun who dreamed of “truly mak[ing] a difference in the world.” From their stories, Spaulding extracts advice on ways to impact someone else’s life: readers can make a list of people they interact with on a daily basis and have meaningful conversations with them, as well as thoughtfully tweak routine conversations by saying, for example, “Here’s what I’d like to do for you” instead of “If there’s anything I can do,” when someone needs help. Readers in search of a feel-good approach to “lifting others up” will welcome this easy-to-understand advice. (Sept.)

“I’m a raving fan of Tommy Spaulding. He’s one of the top leadership thinkers in the world. The Gift of Influence will help you make a real difference in the lives of those you interact with at work, in your home, and wherever you may roam.”
—Ken Blanchard, New York Times bestselling co-author of The One Minute Manager

“Tommy Spaulding has such a profound gift for storytelling and for collecting wonderful people and experiences. The Gift of Influence will inspire you to create ripples of positive impact and enable you to lead in a new, powerful way.”
—Liz Wiseman, New York Times bestselling author of Multipliers

“The Gift of Influence inspires us to become better leaders and better human beings. It teaches us that we have the greatest power in the universe: the power to impact the lives of others.”
—Jon Gordon, New York Times bestselling author of The Energy Bus

“Tommy Spaulding has become one of America’s greatest storytellers. I laughed and cried all the way through. I will forever lead and love differently because of the powerful message in this book.”
—Kelli Valade, president and CEO of Denny’s

“A moving book about what it really means to make a difference in another person’s life . . . Tommy Spaulding might just inspire you to think more broadly and deeply about your impact.”
—Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLife

“Most people don’t appreciate their influence. Tommy Spaulding masterfully reminds us that we impact every person we interact with every day. In this powerful book, he teaches us how to unleash our influence for good in the world.”
—Matthew Kelly, New York Times bestselling author of The Dream Manager


