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  • 文森特·迪尔尼
  • Vincent Deary
  • 文森特·迪尔尼(Vincent Deary)是纽卡斯尔诺桑比亚大学应用健康心理学教授,还是英国国家医疗服务系统(NHS)首批跨诊断疲劳诊所之一的执业健康心理学家。其研究专注于开发针对多种疾病的干预措施,如老年人的跌倒恐惧、慢性身体疾病的管理以及疾病和生活环境如何影响人与食物的关系。他对改变饮食的研究首次让人们了解到与Covid相关的嗅觉和味觉丧失如何对人的生活、情绪以及与人际关系产生了广泛影响。<...
  • 《我们这样崩溃:认知生活磨损》
  • How We Break: Navigating the Wear and Tear of Living
  • 图书类型:大众心理
  • 者:Vincent Deary
  • 出 版 社:Viking 
    页    数:304页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:689          视频资料


《我们如何故步自封》作者文森特·迪尔尼(Vincent Deary)新书,关于崩溃的科学、心理学和生理学,专业性通俗性兼备。




A lyrical and ultimately uplifting examination of what happens when our minds and bodies are put under extreme stress or suffering.
-- Isabel Berwick,The Financial Times

Drawing on a wide range of sources about the human experience, Vincent Deary has written a warm and compassionate book about how we hurt and how we heal. A rich and humane work.
-- Gwen Adshead, forensic psychiatrist and author of THE DEVIL YOU KNOW

From a deep mine of science, philosophy, art and personal experience, Vincent Deary has produced a treasure of a book. Every page of How We Break gleams with wisdom and insight. Nobody could fail to be enriched by it.
-- Matt Rowland Hill, author of ORIGINAL SINS

A particular strength of the book is the way Deary weaves between different schools of thought within psychology, philosophy and religion. The result is not merely a discussion of abstract ideas, but a collection of valuable observations about what it means to be human in the modern world.
-- the Guardian

Deary’s exhilarating new book mixes science, philosophy and memoir to argue that self-acceptance is our best defence against the stress of living… Deary’s writing is wise and compassionate, sometimes florid and always interesting – few writers could jump so nimbly between Proust and RuPaul, neuroscience and the occult. … Deary’s is the rare book that helps you see the world a little differently. 
-- Sophie McBain,The New Statesman

The psychologist and researcher’s persuasive inquiry into how life’s struggles take their toll is full of hard-won wisdom... There is a rawness to Deary’s analysis that gives a compelling human edge to his theorising.
-- Tim Adams,Observer (Book of the Day)

Deary offers a thought experiment that just might bea game-changer.
-- Niamh Jimenez,The Irish Times

In How We Break, the health psychologist Vincent Deary suggests some answers for ­‘navigating the wear and tear of living’… This essential self-exploration underlines the deeply humane plea which is the heartbeat of the book: for more self-compassion… There is much wisdom in Deary’s regret that this society has neglected the idea of convalescence’ .
-- Bel Mooney,The Daily Mail




“因为我们不仅是世界的媒介,与之一切来往应对也都悉数记录留存,作为媒介的我们还具有一定变革性。世界改变着我们,反之亦如是。每早醒来,我们所介入的世界是由各种要求、紧急事项、待解决问题和任务交织而成。有些是个人的,有些则来自外部。无论如何,我们总是对世界和自己有所图谋,因而,总有事情需要去完成。比起一成不变,去做一件事要耗费更多精力。在这过程中,我们会不断读取周围环境和自身身体的信号,预测接下来会发生什么,不断将需要完成的工作与现有可用资源进行比较,并进行相应调节。好似一切理应如此。这种实时调整行为就是所谓的“应变稳态”(allostasis),即在变化中保持稳定的行为。在完成这项复杂而艰巨的工作时,我们会颤抖。变化总免不了动荡发生。在调整过程中,个人系统会随之颤抖,表现为生理唤醒、专注、努力和能量消耗。我们的心、思想和意志,或谓情感、认知和生物资源,在索求过多、过长和过密集时,就会发生改变和枯竭。这就是所谓的“适应负荷”(allostatic load),即动荡过于频繁造成的磨损。本书第一部分将介绍那些让人颤抖的节奏、事件、遭遇和意义体系;第二部分将介绍心灵、思想和意志这些基本机制是如何被所遭遇事情改变和打破的。”


Introduction 引言

part one: trembling 第一部分:颤抖
1. Many Meetings 1. 太多会议
2. The Body Guard 2. 保镖
3. The Ambient Hum of Menace 3. 周围的威胁性嗡嗡声
4. Events 4. 事件
5. Arrhythmia 5. 心律失常
6. The Rule Book 6. 规则手册

part two: breaking 第二部分:崩溃
7. Rise and Fall 7. 起起落落
8. To and Fro 8. 来来回回
9. Reason’s Monsters 9. 原因怪物
10. Preoccupied 10. 全神贯注
11. Are You Sitting Comfortably? 11. 你坐得舒服吗?
12. Exit Strategies 12. 退出策略

Acknowledgments 致谢

