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  • 迈克尔•马来
  • Michael Malay
  • 迈克尔•马来 (Michael Malay)在布里斯托尔大学担任英语文学和环境人文学科的讲师。他出生在印度尼西亚雅加达,之后移居澳大利亚,后来到英国。他的作品发表在各种杂志上,包括 The Clearing 和 The Willowherb Review,该项目的早期摘录在 2019 年最后入围娜恩•谢泼德奖 (The Nan Shepherd Prize)。
  • 《夜光:一个消亡中的世界的报告》
  • LATE LIGHT: Reports from a Vanishing Country
  • 图书类型:自然写作
  • 者:Michael Malay
  • 出 版 社:待定
    代理公司:Conville & Walsh /ANA/Susan Xia
    页    数:256页
  • 人:Rights      浏览次数:326          视频资料


迈克尔•马来(Michael Malay)来到英国时21岁,童年时读了大量有关这个国家的书籍,着迷于这片绿色宜人的土地。通过与自然学家和鸟类学家为友,他开始了解新生活环境中的物种和现象的名称:羽绒;峡谷;黑莓灌木;蛎鹬;云雀 — 这才仅仅是这段钟情于自然的“爱情”故事的开始。
通过讲述四种“毫无魅力”的生物的故事 — 鳗鱼...


'Late Light brings the refreshing perspective of someone who goes from seeing England as a foreign place to someone who deeply studies its secret wonders. An astonishing read.' 
- Amy Liptrot, The Outrun

'Late Light is a book that glows with warmth in spite of its dark subtext. Malay's prose is gorgeous and astute; he looks with fresh eyes at unpopular species and finds poetry and meaning. His voice is irresistible - Late Light is a powerful new work of nature writing.' 
-- Sara Baume, author of SEVEN STEEPLES

In underscoring the concept of basic dignity as being the right of all species and illuminating the idea of an expansive, planetary politics, Malay offers a bright, fierce hope for the future. 
-- Neil Hegarty ― Irish Times

'Malay writes prose of gorgeous balance, shifting between the patience of his observations of nature and a controlled examination of the politics and histories that affect landscapes. His voice is fresh, passionate, and beautifully attuned to the layers of enchantment and melancholy that emerge from the living world in today's challenging times.' 
-- Melanie Challenger, author of ON EXTINCTION

'Late Light is a book of little revelations. It approaches small things with a quiet and tender profundity, and its attentiveness to the quivering of life will leave you aching with world-love.' 
-- Abi Andrews, author of THE WORD FOR WOMAN IS WILDERNESS

'Late Light is simply mesmerising. Michael Malay makes the unseen details of our world vibrant and insistent. This is a book that will re-enchant you with the parts of nature we've too-long forgotten - and a writer we urgently need to guide us.' 
-- Jessica J. Lee, author of TWO TREES MAKE A FOREST

'Most nature books claim to make the world feel bigger and more precious, but Late Light really does. It's a tender, marvellous book. Through his journeys to understand the lives of four "unloved" animals, Michael Malay pays a debt of deep respect to the Earth and its interconnectedness. It is also a kind of travel book, making me see the familiar landscapes of the place I call home (England and specifically Bristol) with a sparkling newness. This book has given me new eyes, and I was sad when it ended. Nature writing -- and the world as a whole -- feels fresher.' 
-- Nick Hunt, author of OUTLANDISH

'Beautiful in its clarity of thought and emotion, for some it could be life changing.' 
-- Jeremy Irons



